Tata Monfared, CEO of Senses Cultural, and Holly Carter, founder of BYkids, just returned from a week in London telling the story of BYkids, making new friends, and spreading the good work of Senses Cultural and associated nonprofits.
“We promoted the upcoming BYkids film in Afghanistan, and are hoping to produce another new film about a child in Iran,” said Tata.
“As part of our first international presentation promoting our films we are proud to extend our partnership with the School of African and Asian Studies and the London Middle East Institute. Additionally, the support we received from media representatives, cultural organizations and key individuals was beyond our expectations,” she said.
Senses Cultural and BYKids are attracing support as the partnership spreads the word internationally about the need for development of these two films in Afghanistand and Iran.
“We are asking our partners to screen BYkids films and raise money for the new films,” added Tata. “
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