Art for Autism is the title of an exhibition held, for the second consecutive year, on December 2017 at Gallery NO1, Niavaran Cultural Center, located in Tehran, Iran. The previous one was on May 2016 at the same place.
The participants in this event were composed of a large number of distinguished pioneer artists as well as some famous young experts in visual arts. This occasion was able to draw the attention of a lot of people and Media.
This exhibition presented the work of artists, who have the cultural and altruistic overview on charity organization, whose mission is to benefit enhancement and expansion of scientific knowledge about autism.
In recent years, the Shokraneh Mavadat Jahani cultural organization, in collaboration with Senses Cultural, a charity organization in the USA, arranged the second exhibition of art for autism. Aimed at the development and promotion of activities of health and hygiene sector with the help of art capabilities in different parts.
One of the important goals of this exhibition is to provide health professionals and artists, in general, science and art scholars with the other opportunity to share their experiences with other. Other aims of this event as follow :
1 – Investigation into different aspects of autism and possible way to approach autistic individuals.
2 – Attempts to improve well being of autistic patients.
3 – Artists ‘ participation in establishment of specialized school for children suffering from autistic spectrum disorders and eventually training instructors for the kids with autism trait.
Alireza Saadatmand, Ebrahim Olfat, Freydoon Omidi, Pesman Peyravi, Einoddin Sadeghzadeh, Hamid Ajami, Maryam Ghanbaryan, Mahya Toloo kia, Omid Khakbaz, Maryam Enayati, etc. are the famous artists whose works were represented in the second exhibition of art for autism.
Quoted from Ebrahim Olfat: “an exhibition of art for autism accounted for the increased knowledge and awareness of public”.
Olfat has experience of presence and selling good s in some international and national auctions for works of art. In addition, his works were introduced as the selected one in several art festivals. Olfat pointed out that the presence of distinguished artists is a rare occasion. He also mentioned that this kind of movement boosts the level of people knowledge and awareness. Also, financial aids for patients through purchasing works of art from active charity organizations, would give rise to the perception of holding exhibitions like that in the then country, than before. Olfat, a graduate of Tehran Medical School, mentioned that artists around the world are in the front line of movements , which benefit people, vulnerable individuals and patients.
He also pointed out that charity organizations such as Shokraneh Mavadat Jahani through this type of exhibition would expand the culture of purchased works of art by publics, which is very valuable.
Quoted from Freydoon Omidi : ”I hope that the number of exhibitions held by charities, would increase to help low-income patients”.
Omidi is another artist, who participated in this exhibition. In recent years, he introduced the pristine and new areas of modern calligraphy through presenting highlighted works in this field of art. As he mentioned the exhibition of art for autism is precious to financial help for autistic patients. He also told that, since he has the experience of participation in other charity exhibitions, he has to mention that the providing information and creating culture by exhibitions like art for autism is so important in contemporary society. Omidi mentioned that he visited the charity exhibition before, in which he had obtained information about special diseases, therefore, he hopes that the number of arranged charity exhibitions would exceedingly increase to help low-income patients.
Quoted from Alireza Saadatmand : ”Exhibition of art for autism makes audiences think“.
Saadatmand also has the experience of attending many charity exhibitions in his artistic records. Heindicated that art is one of the easiest way for artists to actively get involved in health and hygiene project s of society. He pointed out that the presence of publics in exhibitions in order to give hand to patients, particularly, special ones is remarkable, based on two points of view; first, observation of highlighted art works, which induces vitality, congeniality and cheerfulness among people, he added,also the title, designated by charity organization for exhibitions such as art for autism makes audiences think, resulting in enhancement of public awareness towards this type of diseases alongside with helping charity organization through purchasing art works. In addition, Saadatmand mentioned that training workshops next to “art for autism” exhibition was the valuable phenomenon. And artists are able to have crucial impact on physical and psychological health of society by taking part in holding exhibitions like that.
Quoted from Omid Khakbaz : ”I hope that the exhibition of art for autism would be continuously holding to achieve the desired outcome”.
Khakbaz is the famous artist, whose works in the second round of “art for autism “ exhibition attracted attentions. He has successful experience s in cultural and artistic management and his work s were depicted in several overseas and domestic exhibitions. With respect to “art for autism” exhibition, he mentioned that pioneers together with young artists took part in this artistic event and tried to give updates on this diseases, side by side, which is respectable.
He added that Ms. Tata. Monfared, the organizer of this occasion, had described her concern about recognizing autism in Iran and the ways to cure it.
Tata Monfared talking at Art for Autism event in Tehran, Iran
Since Ms. Monfared appointed the language and society of art to give notifications, we as artists feel responsible to endeavor in this regard. As the art not only has special language and is more fruitful than any other ways but also functions as media. In this circumstances, artists always try to positively participate in the creation of culture, particularly in the area of health and charity affairs. This artist mentioned that the artist is able to have the pivotal role in culture creation and collection of public aids for patients, because the artist is in society spotlight. Thus, he hopes that an exhibition of art for autism would be constantly holding until the achievement of the desired outcome.
A Short review : Art for Autism Exhibit in Tehran, Iran 2017
He also mentioned that he advises those who decide to do cultural work in the area of health that instead of none standardized, disorganized and naive works, to show tendency to hold the standard artistic event in which artists and public would cooperate in stream. The successful paradigm of this type of program would be observed in charity exhibition, organized by Behnam Deheshpoor.
Quoted from Maryam Ghanbaryan : ”the benefits of sold artworks in this exhibition, are able to be a huge help for special patients”.
Ghanbaryan should be considered as one a few women, who have had reasonable performance in the fields of calligraphy and line drawing in recent years. In the 2nd exhibition of art for autism, she mentioned that most of artists have the philanthropic concern.
In addition, she pointed out that once she was informed of participation in this exhibition, her knowledge about autism was very low, therefore, she did research over this subject to be able to present the work which would make audience reflect. Ghanbaryan continued that “the hope and wish” was the title of her work, in which she intended to show the hope of autistic children to the future. At the end of her dialogues, she acknowledged charities who organize exhibitions like that. She pointed out that definitely the acquired benefits of selling art works would be substantial help for special patients. She hopes that the public attendances in these gatherings would increase in order to boost the knowledge of purchasing and increase the awareness level, alongside with revitalization of art works. This phenomenon will eventually have advantage for patients and their families.
Quoted from Maryam Enayati : ”the price of some presented works in this exhibition was a little bit high”.
Enayati is the graphic designer. She is young artist, who has participated in several national and international exhibitions, aiming at helping patients. She also described the held exhibition of art for autism as a very good action. And told that unfortunately the price of some presented works was a little bit high, which caused little given welcome by people. If the organizers become able to make the specific plans to decrease the costs, the sale will definitely increase, consequently higher income of charity organizations would end up with more helps to special patients. And she added that a jury for selecting of art works should be made in order to have more homogeneous works in these exhibitions. Enayati believed that one the biggest weakness of galleries, held by charity organizations is the weak notification. And she stated that fortunately this weakness in “ art for autism “ exhibition was less, which is one of the positive points of this exhibition.
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